O Lord,
May I never be outside your will…lest I miss being inside your kingdom.
May I always be a blessing to someone every day, lest I forget where my blessings come from.
May I not walk in the counsel of the wicked, lest my judgment becomes tainted.
May I never forget your love for me, a standard raised for any other ‘love’, lest I fall for any that is lower.
May pride never take over the beauty of your humility in me, lest my life is blemished by its ugly scars.
May I never think so highly of myself lest I’m blinded and think less of your calling in my life
May I never lack, so that I can ever give; lest I forget the reason why You gave your Son.
May I never run away from you, lest I get caught up in this world.
May I never get so caught up in my worldly achievements, lest I lose my heavenly award.
May I never look down on other people, lest my pride prevents me from looking up to you.
May my happiness never rely on money, lest I forget how much wealth comes with your joy.
May I never rely on human strength, lest I forget I’m human…always equating to errors.
May I never get too familiar with your word, lest I miss out on Your voice.
This is a collection of prayers I’ve made (and I still make), as I start a new day, as I interact with people and as I walk home at the end of the day. They may have been whispers…cries…fears…hopes…reflections and meditations...thoughts. Prayers.

What are some of the ‘silent prayers’ you have? Care to share in the comments below? Thank you for taking time to read. Be blessed!


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