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The Red Tool Box

The Workshop My siblings and I grew up running around my father's workshop, most days after school. And so it's not a surprise that as a young child I could recognize and comfortably pick out most tools from a toolbox and pass them to the mechanics. I specifically recall the red toolboxes. There were also blue ones. I'd always be eager to help out and so the mechanics would often send me to grab something from the toolboxes whenever I was around.  When sent for a 'number 10', I'd know exactly what that was- a 10mm spanner/wrench. I'd gotten so good, that I didn't have to look at the inscribed numbers, I could tell them apart by sizing them with my eyes. Life was indeed simpler then. I tend to view each of our lives as having a toolbox. In fact, I think when the proverbial stork delivers the baby home, there's usually another one behind it carrying an empty toolbox to be filled with the necessary tools for life as we grow. Some, our parents and guardi...

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