O Lord,
May I never be outside your will…lest
I miss being inside your kingdom.
May I always be a blessing to someone
every day, lest I forget where my blessings come from.
May I not walk in the counsel of the
wicked, lest my judgment becomes tainted.
May I never forget your love for me,
a standard raised for any other ‘love’, lest I fall for any that is lower.
May pride never take over the beauty
of your humility in me, lest my life is blemished by its ugly scars.
May I never think so highly of myself
lest I’m blinded and think less of your calling in my life
May I never lack, so that I can ever
give; lest I forget the reason why You gave your Son.
May I never run away from you, lest I
get caught up in this world.
May I never get so caught up in my worldly
achievements, lest I lose my heavenly award.
May I never look down on other
people, lest my pride prevents me from looking up to you.
May my happiness never rely on money,
lest I forget how much wealth comes with your joy.
May I never rely on human strength,
lest I forget I’m human…always equating to errors.
May I never get too familiar with
your word, lest I miss out on Your voice.
This is a
collection of prayers I’ve made (and I still make), as I start a new day, as I
interact with people and as I walk home at the end of the day. They may have
been whispers…cries…fears…hopes…reflections and meditations...thoughts. Prayers.
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