FINALLY!!!... and hello!

Hi lovely people! My name is Brenda and i am a recovering procrastinator... shame on me.
I set up this blog a while ago, but this is my first post (hurray!). I believe there is no better time than now.
I've always wanted to do this and especially for my children and every other person who is ready to learn with me. I can see all of you going 'Aaawww...that's so sweet! How old are they? How many do you have?' Well, none for now.
 BUT I want them to know that i care wherever they are (awkward,i know!) When they finally come, at the right time, they will know its okay to go through the different seasons of life; and that its the lessons we learn and the moments we savour that matter in life.
I want to share my life with them and you as well. The good times, the bad ones, the so-so moments, mistakes i make, achievements, disappointments, discoveries ... I want them to know that they are unique and they can shape their destiny and above all, that God is ever in control, in every situation.
My posts will span from my school work, career, my love for fashion, interior design, architecture, history, my DIY arts and craft projects to whatever lessons I pick up along the way, all from a Christian perspective. Join me as we learn,share and grow! So, here is to posterity! "Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding;" Proverbs 3:13 (NIV)


  1. Hehe 1st comment going all blank. We here 4 u 2

  2. Congrats, i guess am the fourth one to comment...hurray!! Am here for you too girl!

  3. Thank you James! I really appreciate!

  4. Yay! Finally. Looking forward to reading this and learning with you along the way! Welcome <3

  5. I'm sure I'll pick enough lessons for my children:-) All the best blogging, don't procrastinate updating your blog:-)))


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